
Welcome to the Womens Life Body Blog. Here you will find advice, information and tips to help you achieve your best health in all stages of a women's life. Please feel free to comment and join in the conversation. We're glad you're here!

Monday, January 10, 2011

It's PMS Time Again

I started getting really emotional -a few days ago- and a glance at the calendar confirmed- "It's PMS Time Again". The time when anything can hit me with either tears, unreasonable anger, or my favorite- a mixture of both.  These are the times when I've dreaded going out over the years, for I don't always know how things will affect me when I go out.  Will I be Ms. calm, cool and collected, or will I be the fearful"Sybil" who is looking for a victim to either cry or yell at hysterically-depending on which part of me comes out?

My mom never understood this part of me.  She, oddly, as a woman, never saw this coming.  Of course, she never had the misfortune of being "blessed", which I know a man would never say", with PMS. Our struggles were the mother, daughter kind-gaining the upper hand, I guess you could say-so she completely missed my PMS times.  Of course, I never missed them and saw their approach coming from a mile away.

One might think well things must be getting better for you because your in your forties now and surely things are letting up by now.  Of course this was my thought too until I started getting older.  Now my periods last longer, the flow is heavier, I bloat more, and my mood, well that is an entity best left alone- even by me.  So evidently, peace for me, will come when my period ends, a few years down the road.

Heaven help me if the gynecologist wants to extend my period for a few more years due to wanting to prevent cancer. etc., because after 31 years of monthlies, a few more years seems quiet alarming.  But there are some positive things that come with having a period, you stay youthful longer, and your mate looks even better during those times.

So do I want my period to last a few more years?  Deep down, I'd say a big No! But it's a known fact that our period is an important part of our lives.  The necessary evil.  My moms own doctor -years ago- tried to extend her period, for a few more years, so I know what will be coming to me-with the doctors recommendation- some day too.  So to my monthly I say, bring it on monthly, I still need ya!

This posting brought to ya by Rogue

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mind and Body - It's All Connected

The mind/body connection is a powerful one. As women we tend to use both sides of our brains more than men. This means we use our feelings, intuition and emotions along with our intellect to navigate the world. This also means that if we are depressed or upset our health can suffer. On the flip side if we are happy and content we tend to feel and look better. Have you ever had a day when you just felt crappy and your mood matched? This is an example of the mind/body connection. PMS is a powerful example of it. Any woman who has suffered through the ups and downs of PMS knows exactly what I'm talking about.

One of my plans for this blog is to explore the ways that we as women can be in our best health no matter what our age. It doesn't take money to be healthy, rather it takes a commitment to be the healthiest you can be no matter what your circumstances. Yes some of us have health issues we deal with everyday, but we can still keep a positive outlook and do things to feel our best. Not all of us are young, many of us are in the throws of menopause - yes that includes me - but we can all learn from each other how to feel our best.

I'm not a medical professional and have had no medical training except what I had to learn to get my cosmetology license, but as a professional freelance writer I have done extensive research on the area of womens health. My promise to you is that I will present to you the most current and well researched facts I can find. Many of my resources include the Mayo Clinic, the US Government websites and associations like the American Diabetes Association and the American Heart Association. If you have information, tips and stories you'd like to share please contact me. My co-founder Veronica and I look forward to hearing from you.